On the Document storage/My uploaded documents screen, depending on institutional settings, the AVDH authentication (Document Authentication traced back to identification) via the Customer Portal of the documents uploaded by the students may be available. Unless the institute defines document type(s) for which authentication via the Customer Portal is enabled, the list on the screen does not offer information or function of authentication.
If there is a document type for which the AVDH authentication by the student via the Cusomter Portal is enabled, and the size of the uploaded document is at most 20 MB, the extension of the document is PDF or DOCX, coloured padlock icons and the related status of the documents in question in the document list indicate the status of authentication of the displayed documents, that can be the following:
- It can be authenticated
- Authentication in progress
- Authenticated
- Authentication failed, can be resubmitted
Only the documents with either 'It can be authenticated' or 'Authentication failed, can be resubmitted' can be sent for AVDH authentication via the Customer Portal. Bulk operation is enabled.
After selection and pressing the Authentication button, detailed information about the authentication process can be read, and the documents selected for authentication can be viewed in the Document authentication popup window. The selected documents that cannot be authenticated are displayed in a separate section in the popup window. The selection can be modified. After finalizing the selection, the process continues after pressing the Authentication button in the popup window.
The authentication of an uploaded document can be launched by clicking the Details link at the end of the document row with the Authentication function available on the screen.
After pressing the Authentication button, the system redirects the user to the login screen of the Customer Portal, where after successfully logging in the authentication of the document automatically takes place, and the system redirects the user to the Document Storage/My uploaded documents/Details screen without any further action. If a login or other error on the AVDH site occurs, the system does not redirect the user to the Student Web Interface, and the user is informed in detail of what caused the error on the login or AVDH screen of the Customer Portal.
If a number of documents were sent for authentication, the successive authentication of the uploaded documents continues as long as the login interval allowed by the Customer Portal expires. After this the user must repeat the login process to the Customer Portal.
The document cannot be deleted during an authentication in progress! If the authentication process is not completed within 5 minutes, the system considers the authentication unsuccessful, the status of the document will be Authentication failed, can be resubmitted, and the padlock icon will be red.
After a successful authentication the following data can be viewed on the Details screen of the document, in the AVDH Authentication information section:
- State
- Date of authentication
- Date of submissions
The user automatically receives a system message and an e-mail about the successful or unsuccessful authentication.
The authenticated documents are attached with their authentication data on all screens where browsing from the document library is enabled (e.g. Request attachment, Secondary verification, NEK data sheet, NMS Documents, Attachment of message, etc.).