The valid documents uploaded by the student are listed on the Document storage/My uploaded documents screen. 

Filtering is available on this screen. The filtering conditions: Name and Type.

Download and Delete buttons are active by selecting the document(s). Bulk operation is also enabled.

If a document that can be authenticated via the Customer Portal (AVDH authentication) - if the institutional settings enable it - is selected, the Authentication button becomes active. Bulk operation is also enabled.

Coloured padlock icons and the status they indicate show the authentication status of the documents under the name of the document.

If the document is accepted, it is displayed in green in the list.

The details of the document can be viewed by clicking the Details link at the end of the rows, and the document can be downloaded and deleted on the screen.

The data displayed in the detailed view:

  • Type
  • Date of uploading
  • Connection type
  • Connection link. Clicking it retains the related detailed view. If the uploaded document is connected to a different training, the training can be changed by clicking the link.
  • Filing number
  • Description

The status of the document is dynamically displayed in the top left corner of the screen if the document is accepted.

The following data are also displayed in the AVDH Authentication information section if the documents can be authenticated via the Customer Portal.

  • State
  • Date of authentication

  • No labels