The new Student Web Interface displays items to be paid, paid, credited and canceled separately. The aim of the separation of the items is a clutter-free and more transparent overview of the student's finances, and the dedicated menu item can be selected for a specific financial transaction.
The Finances/To be paid menu item displays the payment and return payment obligations of the student. Payment obligation means cost, service fee, exam fee and other debts towards the institute. Return payment obligation may arise if the institute accidentally transferred a higher amount of grant than due, or the student does not comply with a condition of being entitled for the given grant, e.g. terminates the student status and the received amounts must be returned.
Colours at the beginning of rows symbolise the status of the items to be paid:
- red: overdue
- orange: will be overdue within 2 weeks
- blue: paying partner or organisation is assigned to the item, or settlement with Student Loan is in progress
A Befizetendő menüpont nemcsak arra szolgál, hogy a hallgató megtekinthesse és befizethesse az intézmény felé fennálló tartozásait, hanem lehetősége van azokat megbontani/összevonni, diákhitellel megjelölni, kérvényt leadni vagy amennyiben magának írt ki tételt, és valamilyen okból már nincs rá szüksége, akkor törölheti is azt.