Registration for subjects and their related courses for the running or next semester can be completed on this screen in the preliminary, ranked and final (competition) subject registration period (or in a special case in special subject registration period). It is also possible to plan the class schedule on the Subject registration screen, where even the ideal class schedule for the student can be created in advance.
The below articles cover the options and information related to subject registration:
- Search for subjects and courses
- Registration and deregistration of subjects
- Change course
- Data displayed in the Subject list, available functions
- Course data and functions
- Add to Planner
- Schedule planner
- Ranked application for subject and course
Class schedule planning is not the only function of the Planner; courses that are not scheduled yet can also added to it. The courses added to the Planner remain selected until revisiting the same screen, so the subjects added to the Planner along with all the courses added to the Planner can be registered with one simple click.
This function facilitates advance planning of the subject registration and competition registration is also easier.
For more information about the planning please see articles Add to Planner and Class schedule planner.