The courses that can be taken to the subject appear in groups of course types when opening a subject in the subject list. The code of the course is shown at the beginning of the row as highlighted piece of data. Below that you will find the short class schedule information if such exists. Further data of the course include the type, tutor and size of the course. The special attributes – if any – are shown in front of the type highlighted in blue.
Special course attributes
Form of class – The display of such information on the course is institutional setting. It may have special values e.g. Attendance, Online, Hybrid, E-learning, but form of classes specific for the institute may also be displayed here.
Waiting list – Shown only if registration for the course is possible only via a waiting list.
Full – Shown when the course class size is achieved, and registration for the waiting list is not available because the waiting list is also full.
Minimal class size requirement is not met – If the institute defined a minimal class size to launch the course and that is not reached by the number of registrations.
Ranked – Shown if ranked application is assigned to the course.
Approvement required – Shown if applications are approved for the course. The ‘approvement required’ type of course application means that the application is approved or rejected by the tutor (or administrator).
When can a waiting list be assigned to a course?
- The institute can set a waiting list for the course. In this case it is possible to register for a waiting list if the normal class size of the course is achieved. The waiting list application is validated automatically if the class size is increased, or another student deregistrates from the course. The order of admission to the course is the same as the order on (of the application to) the waiting list. It means that if a student holding a valid registration deregistrates, the student who filed his or her application first on the waiting list will take the place.
- In case of an ‘approval required’ type of course, the applications are on a waiting list as long as the tutor decides about the approval or rejection of the registration.
- In case of a ranked application all students are on waiting list as long as the ranking takes place.
Though the three types of waiting lists are different, in essence they act the same way. The course application is not finalised, and the course registration is not valid until the change in the class size takes place via approval or ranking. The symbol is also uniform: black exclamation mark shows the waiting list application.