By default the student is the payer (he or she is the customer on the invoice) for all items, so this does not require special settings.

A payer can be assigned on the details screen of the Item to be paid if the item is active, and if the item has been settled already, it can be done on the details screen of the Paid items by selecting the option of Assign payer person. In both cases the payer can be assigned only before the invoice for the given item is issued. If the invoice has already been issued, the invoice can be cancelled by the institute only.

Only previously recorded paying partner or organisation can be assigned to items. If the student has failed to do it, he or she can do so during the process here, or on the Finances/Data and settings/Paying partner menu items too.

The fields and their meaning in the popup window:
'Private individual: The payer is a private individual
Organisation: The payer is a legal entity. If the payer is a individual entrepreneur, it must be recorded as organisation.

Selecting either choice, the system lists the private individuals and organisations that the student had recorded previously. If the student wants to select one that was not recorded before, he or she can use the buttons Add a new individual person or Add new paying organization. The institute may require a that new payer can be recorded with administrative check only. In this case some lead time should be expected while the check is done and the administrator endorses the recorded payer.

ATTENTION! The institute may specify that once a paying organization is assigned to the item by the student, the item cannot be settled with any other payment method.

After selecting the paying partner, another popup window appears where the student can decide whether the invoice should be issued with the payment method of bank transfer.

An invoice for bank transfer is important if the self-support or other fee of the student is paid by a company or other organisation that require a bank transfer invoice. In all other cases it can be blank. The generated invoice can be viewed and printed on Finances/Invoices screen, with the Invoice data link of the details of the Item to be paid, and the Invoice data link of the Paid item.

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