The student can select the item(s) on the Student Web Interface which he or she wants to finance with Diákhitel2 (Student Loan).
Attention! The function of selecting the student loan is not the same as application for a student loan. Selecting the student loan function means that the student records the contract number of the student loan already in progress to an item.
First of all the contract number of Diákhitel2 (Student Loan) must be recorded on the Finances/Data and settings/Student Loan2 contract number screen. The institute can regulate the recording, modification and deletion functions. For details please read the Student Loan2 section.
After the contract number is successfully recorded, the Student Loan2 contract number can be assigned to the item(s) on Finances/To be paid screen from two different directions.
The contract number can primarily be assigned to the selected item(s) on the To be paid screen by pressing the Signing up with a student loan link in the action bar at the botton of the screen. Only this screen allows to assign the contract number to several items. If the student selects an item that cannot be settled with Student Loan2, the system gives a warning message and the Continue button does not appear.
After successfully assigning the Student Loan, the listing screen displays the status of the item (under the name of the item) as 'Student loan settlement in progress', and the item will be marked with blue.
Selecting Student Loan for an item is also possible via the Details of the Items to be paid, also with Signing up with a student loan. On this screen only one item can be selected at a time, and only the item the details of which are shown. The popup windows and the information message are the same as on the listing screen. After the successful settings, the item details screen displays that the given item is in progress to be paid with Student Loan2, and the Student Loan2 status card also indicates, apart from the contract number, the 'Checking' status.
Az Egyeztetés státusz azt jelenti, hogy az igénylés folyamatban van. Ekkor a háttérben az intézmény továbbítja a hallgató képzés adatait a Diákhitel Központ felé, akik a tanulmányainak és egyéb körülményeinek megfelelően tudnak dönteni arról, hogy az adott hallgató jogosult-e az igénylésre. A folyamat végén a Diákhitel2 státusz vagy Elfogadva vagy Elutasított státuszba kerül. Előbbi esetben a tétel Teljesített státuszba kerül, miután az intézménynek elutalta a Diákhitel Központ az összeget, utóbbi esetben pedig a hallgatónak lehetősége van egyéb módon befizetni a tartozását.