- 1. By pressing New item on Finances/Overview screen:
- By pressing New item on Finances/To be paid screen:
- A Vizsgák/Vizsgajelentkezés menüponton az adott vizsga részleteiben a Díj kiírása gombra kattintvaBy pressing Transcribe item on Exams/Exam registration screen:
A tételkiírás folyamata
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Az új tétel létrehozásának folyamata az Overview és a To be paid menüpontok felől indítva ugyanaz, viszont a vizsga részletek felől kötött. A vizsga részletek felőli tételkiírás leírása a Transcribe item fejezetben olvasható. |
Az Áttekintés és a To be paid menüpontokon az Új tétel gombra kattintás után az alábbiak megadásával lehet tételt kiírni:
Process of recording an item
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The process of recording a new item is the same on the Overview and the To be paid screens, however it is bound if launched from the exam details screen. Please see the Record an exam fee section about the item recording via the exam details screen. |
Item can be recorded by providing the following data, after pressing the New item button on the Overview and To be paid screens:
- First the title must be specified. This can be either Service or Repeat exam fee.
- Depending on the title, further data must be entered. Repeat exam fee can be recorded for a semester preceding or following the actual semester by selecting it from the Semester dropdown menu. Both titles allow to select All semesters option in the semester-selector field, so the student can select the subjects from all his or her semesters for the related subjects. In this case the semester of the item will be the running semester.
Service title requires the selection of the service type, which means the sort of item the student wants to record then pay. Such is for example the fee for replacement of lost sticker of the student card as per the illustration.
In case of a Repeat exam fee and Service titles, the institute can make the selection of the subject in the Subject dropdown menu mandatory (the subject code is also seen behind the subject name for easy identification). In case of a service it depends on the service type too, but the system always informs if the given type requires the selection of the subject or it is optional. - If the student set everything properly, he or she has two ways to complete the action. By clicking the Create button the item is created and will be displayed on the To be paid screen. The student can also click on Creation and payment button. In this case the system offers the payment methods window, and the student can immediately pay the item, which afterwards can be viewed on the Paid items screen. The system confirms the successful creation of the item (also about the successful payment if it is paid at the same time).
The name of the created item will the the fee type related to the payment title. In the above example the type is the Loss of student card sticker, so the name of the recorded item will be Loss of student card sticker too. This way the student can find items on the different screens more easily.
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It may happen that an item cannot be successfully completed for some reason. The reason of the failure is always provided to the student in writing. |
Recording service fee in relation to Final exam subject
The institute may require fees that are related to the student's subjects of the final exam, e.g. retaking the Final exam subject. In this case after selecting the Service title, the Final exam period option in the Semester field is shown and can be selected. If the student selects the semester of Final exam period, all final exam subjects that were taken previously will be shown in the subject selector, so the student can record a fee for the final exam subject.
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If the student accidentally recorded a fee which will finally not be paid, the item can be deleted. Deletion is possible on two screens: by selecting the item on the list of the To be paid screen and pressing the Delete button in the bottom menu bar, or in the details of the given item by clicking the Delete item button. (The student can only delete the fees that he or she created |
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A tételkiírás folyamatakor előfordulhat, hogy valamilyen okból kifolyólag sikertelen lesz. A sikertelenség okáról a felület mindig írásban tájékoztatja a hallgatót. |
Szolgáltatási díj kiírása Záróvizsga tárgyhoz kapcsolódóan
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Amennyiben a hallgató tévesen írt ki valamilyen díjat, amit végül nem fog befizetni, akkor lehetősége van az adott tétel törölni. A törlés két irányból is elvégezhető: a Befizetendő listás felületen a tételt kijelölve az alsó menüsávban a Törlés gombra kattintva, vagy pedig az adott tétel részleteiben a Tétel törlése gombra kattintva. (A hallgatónak csak és kizárólag a maga által létrehozott díjakat van lehetősége törölni.) |