If the thesis topic is accepted, XXX can be seen next to the Application accepted status.

A system message notifies the student of this.

Further operations become available with the Thesis writing status:

Start a request for admission

The Start a request for admission button becomes available in Thesis writing status:

The student can notify the tutor of the request for acceptance of the thesis by submitting a request for admission. If accepted, the student can upload the thesis document.

After pressing the Start a request for admission button, the following message appears as proof that the request for admission was successfully submitted: Successful registration! The admission request has been sent!

After this XXX can be seen next to the Thesis writing status, and the status of the thesis row becomes Waiting for admission. The student receives a notification if the tutor accepts (or rejects) the request for admission, and the status changes accordingly: it becomes Thesis writing status again if the request was rejected, if it was accepted, the status will be Upload.

Depending on institutional settings, a statement may appear after the Upload degree thesis button is pressed. The request for admission is sent after accepting the statement.

Also depending on institutional settings, a Confidentiality window may pop up, where a statement must be made about the confidentiality nature of the thesis.

If based on institutional settings a Start admission and upload button is available instead of Start a request for admission button, the screen where the thesis can be uploaded appears, and the thesis admission request is sent after uploading. After this XXX can be seen next to the Thesis writing status, and the status of the thesis row becomes Waiting for admission. The student receives a notification if the tutor accepts (or rejects) the request for admission, and the status changes accordingly: it becomes Thesis writing status again if the request was rejected, if it was accepted, the status will be Judgement.

Further available operations:

Further operations:

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