The valid documents that can be displayed on the web and that were created for the student in the Educational Administration System are displayed on the Document storage/TR documents screen.

Filtering is available on this screen. Besides Name and Type filtering conditions the electronically authenticated documents can be selected by selecting TRUE value in the Only certified checkbox.

The Download button becomes available after selecting the document(s). Bulk operation is also enabled.

If the document is electronically authenticated, it is displayed in green in the list.

The details of the document can be viewed by clicking the Details link at the end of the rows, and the document can be downloaded on this screen.

The data displayed in the detailed view:

  • Type
  • Created at (date)
  • Connection type
  • Filing number
  • Description

The status of the document is dynamically displayed in the top left corner of the screen if the document is electronically authenticated.

The authentication information of the document can be viewed in the detailed view under the Basic data section.

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