Submission of a request can be launched, if institutional settings allow, from the direction of the subject on the Subjects/Subject related requests screen. The Available request forms screen displays the subjects that are linked to request templates.
The following message is displayed if the user clicks the Next link in the row of the subject, but no request can be filled in: 'There is no request form related to this subject.'
If a request can be filled in, three options are offered based on the set rules.
- Internal subject equivalence rules
- External subject equivalence rules
- Request fill
The internal and external subject equivalence rules applied by the institute are displayed on the internal and external subject equivalence rules screen in relation to the subject in question.
Examination of an equivalence can be launched from the given subject with the New subject equivalence examination button, with the submit of a request.
The submitted request will be assessed by the institution and can be viewed on the Submitted Reqests page.