In the list and details of Items to be paid, the student can split the active (and unpaid) items, and for which no invoice is issued yet, into subitems if the institute allows such action for the student.

Splitting the items may be necessary in the following cases:
- the student wants to have invoices issued to different payers about the given payment per subitem;
- the student wants to pay an item in instalments (it is important, that the student is not allowed to pay in instalments automatically by splitting, because the payment deadline of the split items will be the same as that of the original item, so the student can decide about the time of the payment of the portions only until the original payment deadline).
- the student belongs to more than one collective accounts, and the amount necessary to pay the given item is at disposal only on more collective accounts, he or she can pay the portions from different collective amounts by splitting the item.

Splitting can be completed for one item at a time, but on two screens:

  1. 1. Primarily on the Finances/To be paid screen by selecting the given item and pressing the Breakdown into several items button in the bottom action bar:
  2. By pressing the Split item card on the details screen of Item to be paid:

    The same window opens whichever direction the splitting of the item is launched. Splitting the item is by default halving it, but the required partial amount can be set manually too. After saving, the created items can be found as two individual items in the list of To be paid screen. If needed, the items can be splitted into further partial amounts.


By clicking the Breakdown into several items and Split item options, the program checks if there is a valid related request of the student for the item under evaluation ('In process', 'Accepted', 'Closed with acceptance', 'Closed with resolution', 'Partially endorsed' and 'Rejected'). If such request is linked with the item the student wants to split, splitting is not permitted and the following message is shown: 'There's a valid request (with pending status) related to the item, so splitting is not possible.'

If the student had not yet paid any subitems of the split item, they can be merged. Merging the items can be performed via the details of the item to be paid by pressing the Merging with another item card, if the items are active and no invoice was issued for them yet. The second image shows when we want to merge the item with two other items, so 3 items will be combined; but you can select only one from the list. After selecting the items you need to click the Combine items button in the action bar. After confirming the action in the popup window the system redirects you to the listing screen of To be paid, where already the merged item can be seen.

Tételek összevonása

The Merging with another item option can be used only on items with the same payment deadline, so the student cannot accidentally merge items with different payment deadlines on the Student Web Interface.

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