The institute may publish data compiled on various conditions, so called data queries to the students, which can be viewed on the Information/Queries menu item.
On the screen first the 'Please provide at least one filter condition in the filter' message appears. The menu item can be activated by clicking the Open filter button. First the query the student wants to run must be selected from the Queries dropdown menu. The query can be customized – when the student ID is automatically fit into the relevant parameter of the query –, and may contain filtering conditions the student has to fill in. This can be free text, or the value can be selected from a dropdown list. If a parameter must be provided for the query, the fields in which the filtering conditions must be set appear next to the name of the query.
In the usual way, the student can specify to keep the filtering panel open after the filtering had run down by selecting the Keep filter open checkbox.
The query can be run with the Filter list button. Only the first five columns of the received results are displayed on the screen. The complete results can be obtained with the Export function, available under the … button.
The filtering conditions can be removed with the Delete filter button.