The dormitory application can be modified in the Applications block of the Administration/Dormitory application screen as long as the application period lasts.

The interval of the application period is shown in the Select a period field. If there are more than one period for which application was submitted, the period for modification must be selected in the dropdown field.

The dormitories selected in the selected period and their order can be seen in the Applications block. A blue number indicates the place of the selected dormitory in the order.

The screen can be opened for modification with the Edit button next to the selected period. In this case there is no tick in the Finalization phase in the progress indicator.

Further dormitory can be added to the application with the Add dormitory button. The list of the selectable dormitories is displayed on the screen opening up, and the dormitories already selected have a selected status. All further dormitories can be selected, and deselection of any selected dormitory can be done here. One selected dormitory at least is necessary to continue.

The priority order of the selected dormitories can be changed with the Change order button. On the modal that opens the row of the dormitory must be dragged at the = mark to the desired position. The new order can be finalized with the Save button.

The selected dormitory can be deleted from the application with the Unmark link.

This link is inactive if there is only one selected dormitory in the list.

The withdrawal of the selection (deletion of the dormitory from the selected ones) must be approved with the Remove button of the Confirm page appearing by pressing the Unmark link.

The details of the selected dormitory (name, address, number of places) can be viewed on the modal opening by pressing the Details link.

Modifications can be saved with the Submit application button.

The result of the dormitory addmission process can be viewed in the Applications block, at the selected period. Green colour on the selected dormitories marks the dormitory in which admission was approved. Obviously, the other dormitories will be rejected indicated with orange colour.


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