The details of an exam can be viewed on the Exam details screen. Beyond deregistration from and registration to an exam, further actions can be completed here such as switch exam date, transcribe items, electronic exam, joining an online meeting.

The upper bar shows the most important data: date, duration, type and free places.

Exam registration, switch date, transcription of item

In the upper bar, registration for an exam can be completed with the Take exam button. If only waiting list places are available, the Sign up for the waiting list button is available instead of the registration.

If an exam has already been taken, deregistration from the exam or switching the exam date (that is reschedule for another exam of the course) can be done with the Drop and Exchange buttons.

If taking the exam requires the payment of a fee, the link of Transcribe item button appears with the buttons of registration, deregistration, and switch of exam. The fee of the given exam can be transcribed with this button too.

Further details of the exam as well as the detailed size of the exam can be also viewed on the screen.

Further options related to exams (left-side links)
  • Online events -> It appears if the student must join the exam online (via Webex meeting). The link reveals the details of the online meeting.
  • Registered students - > The list of students registered for the exam are displayed broken down for course. A message to the students registered for the exam can also be sent from here.
  • Examiners -> Lists the examiners (tutors) linked to the exam. Depending on institutional settings it may happen that the examiners cannot be viewed in the registration period.
  • Rooms -> Displays the rooms linked to the exam. The details of the rooms can be viewed, such as Site, Building, Address, Capacity, Notes and information on accessibility.
  • History (previous exams) -> All previous exam registrations related to the subject, including the deregistered exams too.

Electronic exam and Online events

If an electronic test sheet, an electronic practice sheet or online (Webex) event is linked to the exam, the test sheet can be opened or the online meeting can be joined from the bar below the subject code.


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