Application for dormitory can be launched in the New application block of the Administration/Dormitory application screen by clicking the Start an application button.
The period in which the application is allowed can be viewed in the list of the popup window. The progress indicator above the list shows the actual phase of the application process. Accordingly, the first step is the selection of the Period.
The Interval column of the list shows the starting and end date of the interval in which the application can be submitted. The Dormitory boarding period next to it indicates the boarding period if the application is successful. The Description column may contain the information related to the application and boarding.
Information on application period
A click on the information icon reveals the details of the application period on the card opened.
The student can continue the application with the Select link.
The progress indicator shows that the next step is the selection of the dormitories. The card of one or more dormitories can be seen in the Dormitories block of the screen. The card contains the name and address of the dormitory, the number of students that can be accepted in the period and the number of the applications. The dormitory can be selected with the checkboxes. If at least one dormitory is selected, the Select dormitories button appears at the bottom of the screen. The student can continue in the process with this button.
The Back to the period button redirects the student to the previous screen if he or she does not want to continue with the application.
Finalization of the application is the next step. Before this the student can modify the application by adding or removing dormitories, or changing the order of the selected dormitories. For further details please refer to Modification of dormitory application section.
If the list and order of the selected dormitories are completed, the application can be saved with the Submit application button.
The dormitory application is frequently coupled with an application sheet. If the request form must be filled, a window opens after pressing the Submit application button, which contains the name and relevant details of the request.
The request can be opened for completion with the Request fill button. The Cancel button navigates to the previous screen. Please refer to Submit requests section for further information on requests and how to fill them in.