Certain pending tasks or messages may appear in a popup window after logging in but before landing on the Home Page. This depends partly on institutional settings, and partly on whether the logged in user completed the task already.
The user lands on the Home Page after completing the tasks - if applicable - following the login.
Mandatory modification of password
GDPR statement
Its appearance depends on institutional settings: it will appear if the logged in user is subject to a GDPR statement that he or she has not disposed of yet. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a data protection regulation established by the European Union that governs the management and protection of personal data.
If the popup window shows the following message: 'Acceptance of this statement is required to use Neptun. If rejected, the interface logs out', the acceptance of the statement is a condition of logging the user in.
Record a nickname
It depends on institutional settings, whether it appears or it is used. The profile will be displayed and can be searched for with this name. This appears only during the first login process, later it can be modified on the Profile settings screen.
Set a profile picture
The popup window appears during the first login process. The user will be visible with this profile picture in Neptun, this picture can be seen next to the name in messages and user lists. The user can upload a picture of his or her choice, can select an avatar, or can set his or her initials of an optional colour as a profile picture. The profile picture can be changed later on the Profile Settings screen.
The uploaded picture must not infringe copyright, image rights or public taste.
Mandatory selection of training
It depends on institutional settings, whether it appears or it is used. The training must be selected after logging in, if the user has more than one training with active student status at the institute.
Connection of Neptun and Evop
Messages compulsory to read
It appears only if the user has an unread message that is compulsory to read based on institutional settings. The user can continue in the system only after opening the message. All messages are available on the Messages screen.