The training data can be viewed here beyond the basic data of the studies (name, code etc.) including student-specific data, such as status (active, passive etc.), starting date of the student status, date of admission, expected completion of studies.

The data can be viewed in 4 sections: Basic data, Additional information, Institution data (institution-specific fields are shown here), and Final exam partial results.

Under Training data the majors and modules connected to the training can be viewed as well as the diploma, if any, earned with the training.

What is a major? What are modules?

At least one major belongs to each education, the name of which is the same as that of the education itself (if the it comprises a single major). A multi-major education may comprise more than one majors. In this case the name of the education is not the same as those of the majors, for example the double-major teacher education with teacher of mathematics and teacher of biology majors. The mandatory core material of the education is linked to the major.

Certain trainings require one or more modules, which can be - based on the type of the education - specialisation, minor, band.

The detailed information on the major and the modules can be viewed by clicking the Details link.

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