The above list shows the display of status of external field practice locations.

The status column will dispaly Student planning after the registration. At this point the uploading of documents (statement of acceptance) can be started.

In case of places of University Hospital and University general practitioner mentors, the status remains Student planning as long as the statement of acceptance is uploaded and then the application is finalized. It means that the status of the registration changes to Student finalization after uploading the statement and pressing the Finalize applications button.

If finalization was performed but the statement of acceptance was not uploaded yet, a message informs the student about this required step.

In case of places of University Hospital and University general practitioner mentors, the status will be Student planning before the finalization, and it will change to Application accepted only after this. It is still not required to upload a statement of acceptance for such types of places.

If the registration requires supplements, the information that supplement is necessary is displayed in the row of the registered place.

The registration gets Supplement status if further deficiencies are found concerning the documents.

After the administrator validates the application, its status becomes Application accepted (the application automatically receives this status after the application in case of the University hospital location type).

It may happen that the director of the course must make a decision. In this case the status of the application will be Waiting for course's director's decision.

As soon as the Certificate of completion is uploaded, the status of the application will be Certificate of completion submitted.

Based on the decision of the course director the status of the application for field practice may be Completed, Incomplete or Supplement. If the status is Supplement, the student can upload the certificate of completion again.

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