The name and type of the consultation on the topic, as well as the starting the end date of the registration period appears after clicking the Register for consultation button. Clicking the Details option at the end of the row displays the Consultation event sheet with the following fields:

  • Fee type
  • Type
  • Subject name
  • Subject code
  • Term
  • Start of registration period
  • End of registration period
  • Sign up date
  • Number of compulsory occasions
  • Minimum headcount
  • Maximum headcount
  • Organization
  • Description

If a certain number of mandatory consultation times are required for the consultation event, the following information appears:

After this, the consultation times appear in chronological order. The registration for the selected times takes place by selecting the checkboxes at the beginning of the rows then pressing the Registration button at the bottom of the page. The registration is confirmed with the Registered legend under the time and the green marking at the beginning of the row.

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