The Studies/Online events screen comprises the online events related to the Courses, Tasks, Exams, Consultations, Appointments and Final exams.

What is an online event?

The video conference platform of the online events created in Neptun is the Cisco Webex Meetings.

The tutor or the administrator can create online events and link them to Courses, Tasks, Exams, Consultations, Appointment bookings and Final exams. The students can see the online events and the Webex meeting link on the Student Web Interface and can join the video conference.

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The next three online events closest to the actual date can be viewed in the Next times block. All future online events can be viewed by clicking the View all link. The online event underway appears highlighted. The list of the online events of the given type can be viewed by clicking the link on the left.

The details of the online event can be viewed by clicking the Details link in the list of the online events, the student can also join the meeting here.

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