In the grid view of advancement the student can check the completion of the curriculum based on the model curriculum items/subject groups of the curriculum. In grid view, the folders mean the curriculum items/groups, and by clicking them the completion of further groups or subjects they include can be viewed.

Information displayed in the grid view of advancement

The folder cards mean the subject groups/model curriculum items, the simple cards mean the subjects. A folder may contain any number of further folders and subjects. This is how the model curriculum hierarchy is created.

The cards display the following data:

Subject group/name and code of the subject, registration type, subject credit and recommended semester.

Green Completed status on the cards indicate that it is completed, and blue Taken in the current semester status shows that the subject is taken in the actual semester but is not yet completed.

Curriculum network - Model curriculum items/Subject groupsFurther groups and subjects within a groupAssessment of completion of groups

Assessment of completion of groups

The institute may specify the following conditions of completion for the model curriculum groups:

Credit: At least this value of credits must be earned by completing the subjects belonging directly to the group

Subject: This number of subjects must be completed from the subjects belonging directly to the group

All subjects are to be fulfilled: All subjects belonging directly to the group must be completed

Subject group: At least this number of further groups belonging directly to the group must be completed

These conditions have an 'AND' relation to each other, so if an institute specifies credits to be earned and number of subjects too, both conditions must be met to complete the group.

After the assessment of the above, the 'Completed' or 'Overachieved' status is indicated in green if the conditions are met.

It may happen that the completion conditions of the groups are not filled in or are filled in incompletely. That being the case, the assessment will not be adequate either.

Options in the grid view of advancement

Switch to semester view: It switches to semester view where the completions of the model curriculum can be viewed broken down by semester.

Listing according to another sample curriculum: Lists the subject groups and subjects of another model curriculum belonging to the studies

Details: The detailed data of the selected group can be viewed

View subject group in Subject registration: The subjects of the group can be registered after going to the Subject registration screen

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