Once the registration for the required field practice locations took place, the registrations must still be finalized. This can be performed by clicking the Finalize applications button in the 'Outer field practice locations' popup window.

All registrations must be finalized for uniform operation!

Apart from the registrations for the blocks of external field practice locations, the deadline set for the blocks of external field practice is also applicable for the finalization by the student.

The Finalize applications button will be inactive if the set deadline had passed. The registration cannot be modified after finalization, so a popup window with the following message appears after pressing the Finalize applications: 'By finalizing your applications you cannot modify them anymore, nor hand in a new one. Do you want to proceed?'

Finalization takes place when the process is confirmed by pressing the Yes button.

The monitoring of minimum interruption and minimum weeks starts after pressing the Finalize applications button. If any of the conditions is not met, it is shown in a message after the confirmation of the finalization process, and the process itself will be unsuccessful too.

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