The first step of completing the basic data is to provide the NEK identifier without hyphens.

NEK identifier

The NEK identifier can be found in the top right section of the NEK data sheet. It is made up of the date of issue, the 3-character code of the county of the official document office and the serial number separated with hyphens.

It may happen that Upload file and Document storage buttons are also available with the NEK data sheet legend under the field. In this case the NEK data sheet can be uploaded as an electronic file, or it is mandatory to upload for the application.

The user can browse among the files stored on the computer/telephone with the Upload file button.

The NEK data sheet previously uploaded in the Document storage can be attached with the Document storage button.

The Document management section contains further information on the documents.

Only a file with the allowed maximum size and extension can be attached!

The value of the Reason for request field must be selected from the dropdown list.

The Training field is automatically filled with the training selected at the login. The students pursuing more trainings can change the value of the field by clicking the Edit link. The mode of the selected training will be written on the card.

The address field is automatically filled with the permanent address recorded in Neptun. By clicking the Edit link, the residence address can be selected too if it is recorded in Neptun.

Official address

Hungarian citizens can apply for a Student Card only with the address on their address card. Foreigners can select a place of residence only if that is officially recorded by the document office.

A secondary institute can be selected from the list opened with the Select an institution button. If another higher education institute is selected, its printing code must be provided too. The printing code can normally be found on the website of the selected institute.

If a secondary institute is provided on the application, it might be required to attach the certificate of the legal relationship.

Please refer to the Document management section about the ways of attaching a document.

After providing the data, the application can be finalized with the Save button.

After saving, the application is sent to the administrators, who electronically forward it to FIR for production.

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