After uploading the documents related to the Thesis, the status of the thesis row will be Upload as long as the uploading deadline defined by the institute expires, or the thesis is evaluated.

The Upload degree thesis screen can be opened with the Edit thesis button until the date specified in the Upload deadline field. On this screen the value of the Confidential field and further data of the thesis can be modified.

The documents belonging to the individual document types can be changed. Since only one file per document type can be uploaded, another document can be uploaded only after deleting the uploaded file with the Delete file link of the file details on the screen appearing by clicking the name of the document type.

Besides the modification of the already provided date and the change of the uploaded documents, files can also be uploaded here with document types the institute allows and were not yet uploaded previously.

If the institute did not specify a deadline for the uploading, and not all documents that the institute allows were uploaded during the uploading process, the status of the thesis row will be Upload as long as all types are uploaded or the thesis is evaluated. These documents can be submitted on the screen appearing after pressing the Edit thesis button. In this case the already uploaded documents cannot be changed.

Further operations become available after uploading:


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