The vulnerability data related to the student's training can be viewed on the Dropout data screen.

The vulnerability data seen on this screen are calculated on the basis of complex conditions. Their aim is to support the advancement of the students in their studies. It anticipates if anything endangers the completion or the pursuit of their studies.

Such vulnerability index may be a delay with registering the mandatory subjects, advancement as per the model curriculum, failure to register for the semester, exceeding the allowed number of make-up exams or approaching the double of the training time.

The details of the vulnerability index can be viewed by clicking the Details link. Depending on the type, the student can navigate to the related Neptun screen where, if the conditions allow, all missed activities can be accomplished, or the data related to the studies can be checked.

If a request can be submitted in relation to the vulnerability, the filling in the request can be started with the Request fill button.

By clicking the Submitted requests link, the related submitted requests can be viewed. These are also accessible from the Submitted link on the Request screen.

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