As the bank account number is sensitive information, the institute may require an administrative check of the new bank account number or the modification of one already recorded: This way there is a lead time between the entry/modification and the time the student can use the new/modified data. It may also happen that the institute does not allow the students to record or modify their bank account numbers via the Student Web Interface. In this case the function does not appear, and a new bank account number or the modification of an already existing one can be recorded only by the institute administrators.

The student can view and modify the existing bank account number on the Finances/Data and settings/Bank account numbers screen. Also a new bank account number can be recorded on the screen.

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A new bank account number can be recorded in the popup window appearing by clicking the Add new button. Depending on institutional settings, domestic or foreign bank account number can be recorded in the popup window.

When a new bank account number if recorded, always the newest account number becomes the default for the student. The default bank account number means that this is the primary bank account of the student, so the payment of grant or correction is performed for this bank account number. After recording, the student can of course modify this by clicking the Details link at the end of the account row then the Edit button at the bottom of the form.

Each student can have only one default bank account number!

The student can delete the bank account number if no financial action is assigned to the that bank account number, e.g. payment of grant. Deletion can be performed on the listing screen of Bank accounts with the red wastebin icon, or by clicking the Details link and pressing the Delete account number button. (Both options are inactive for the default bank account because the default bank account cannot be deleted. If the student wants to delete it, he or she needs to select a new default bank account number.)

The list and details screens of the bank account numbers contain a Valid until column too. If a bank account number is invalid, all functions (options) are inactive for the student.

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