The request was returned for correction, to add data/attachment.
Beside the name of the request, the date of submission and ID of the request, the screen allows filtering and arranging requests.
The Details link displays the detailed information of the request returned for correction.
The request can be downloaded beside the reason for correction and possibly the document attached.
The request can be continued and submitted with the Correction of request button.
An attachment can be uploaded with the Attach document button if uploading is enabled.
The Next page button opens the next page.
The View justification link displays the reason for returning for correction and related attachments.
The request can be submitted with the Submit a request button.
The system confirms if the request was successfully submitted and about the generation of the connected form.
(Form is created only if a form is connected to a request.)
The return deadline for the request returned for correction can be defined based on institutional settings.
This is stored in the Repair deadline column and also by clicking the Details link if such value exists.
The request submitted again is moved to the Submitted requests.