Depending on institutional settings, the student can submit a request related to the financial items. The Submit request function is available on the list and details sections of the Items to be paid screen, and the details of the Paid items screen by clicking Submit request.

After pressing the button the system offers the request forms that can be filled in for the given item. After selecting the template and clicking the Select button, the student can fill in the request and submit it for administration.

The submitted request can be viewed by clicking the Submitted requests card on the item details screen, or in bulk on the Submitted requests screen.

Depending on institutional settings, only one or more request can be completed on the screen out of the assigned request forms. The system warns the student of it in a message.

The Submit request function is active on the Finances/To be paid screen if the institute uploaded at least one request form to the data of the item (to its so called financial code). The student receives a message saying 'There is no request form for the imposition to fill in!' if a request form whose validity period already expired was linked with the given financial code.

In case of requests subject to a fee, the institute can freely specify if the student is able to pay the fee related to the request after the validity period of the request had expired. If the student cannot pay it, and the validity period assigned to the request form expires, the payment of the item linked to the request is disabled. In such a case the student receives a message about the reason for the disabled payment when he or she tries to launch the payment: 'The item cannot be fulfilled because the request period has expired.'

The other setting (when payment of the related item is possible even after the validity period of the request form expired) changes the status of 'Waiting for payment' to 'Under administration' after the payment is done.

In case of already paid items only the 'Financial request' and 'Request invoice' request forms are displayed by clicking the Submit request link. The 'Instalment payment request', the 'Mitigation request' and the 'Request for modification of payment dealine' request forms are not displayed in the list of requests that can be completed, if the item is already of 'Completed' status.

If an invoice was issued about the item at that time, the 'Request invoice' type requests are not displayed either in the list of requests that can be completed.

Depending on institutional settings, in may happen that if a pending mitigation request is linked to the active financial item, payment is not possible by clicking the 'Payment' button. A message informs the student about the reason for that: 'Valid and non-considered moderation applications belong to the following items, so payment is not possible'.

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