New field practice

New field practice can be recorded with the Add new button. Following this, the period and the duration must be provided as well as the name of the certifier. The organisational unit that is the place of the field practice can be selected from different lists depending on the institute. The document certifying the field practice or other documents required by the institute can be attached here with the Upload file functionality or by adding it from the Document library.

The status of each field practice is displayed, that is the information whether the application or the completion was accepted.


The details of the field practice can be viewed by clicking the Details link. The already attached documents can be downloaded by clicking the Documents link, further files can also be uploaded and attaching files from the document library is also possible. The list of the subjects related to the field practice can be viewed by clicking the Subjects link.

The registration of the student for the field practice can be deleted before it is accepted by the authorised tutor or the administrator. After admission the student is not able to delete the field practice.

The institute may constrict the uploading scope of field practice, but can expand it as well.

Certain trainings allow to spend the same field practice through many periods at the same field practice location. In such cases the institute may allow to upload the same field practice location more than once.

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