The booking of a new appointment must be initiated with the Add new button on the Administration/Reserve dates screen.

First the case place and the case type must be selected in the popup window with the arrow next to the desired condition.

If the user selects the case place first, only the case tapes that can be arranged there can be selected. If a case type is selected first, only the places where such cases can be arranged appear in the next step.

The user can continue with the Select button after selecting the required condition. The process is the same when providing other conditions too.

Ügyhely kiválasztása

Personal and online administration can be selected for the case type. A Filter can be found in the upper part of the window to narrow down the Case type condition.

Ügytípus kiválasztása

If a case can be arranged in different languages at a case site, the language can be selected too. For this a modal for selection opens after selecting the Case site and the Case type.

The available times of the actual week appear in a timetable after all conditions are set. If the user wishes to view another week, the previous and next week can be viewed with the links on the right and left side of the table.

Only future appointments can be made.

The timetable shows the times that cannot be booked with grey background.

Green background shows the free times when an appointment can be made. The length of time during the opening hours depends of the interval the institute defined for the selected case type.

Before the booking, the user can check under the Summary, which case the appointment was made for.

The time of the appointment can be selected by clicking the appropriate time, which changes to blue. At the same time the Save button becomes active. With the Save button the time is booked.

The successful booking is confirmed. Optionally, a comment can be recorded with the booking which the administrator can also view.

It may happen that a time limit is set for the appointment. In this case it is worth to find another later appointment time.

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