The Advancement overview screen contains the most important information on the advancement in the studies, such as the information on earned credits and averages. You can also go to the screens of the curriculum grid, the list of the model curriculum subjects to be completed, more averages and the registry record from here.

Earned credits, averages

The overview screen displays all the earned credits, including the information on all the earned compulsory, compulsory optional and optional credits. Information on the prescribed credits appears only if the institute set the adequate values in the curricula.

The section of Averages displays the three most important averages of the ones calculated latest. The display and appearance of these may vary in the various institutes.

Screens and functions accessible from the Advancement overview

Curriculum network: the grid (cards) and semester views of the model curricula that gives comprehensive information on the completion of curriculum (subjects, subject groups, units of curriculum and model curriculum)

Full subject list: The list of subjects included in the model curriculum (curricula)

Compulsory, compulsory optional, optional subjects: The list of subjects included in the model curriculum (curricula) broken down by registration type

View all grade averages: Navigates to the registry record screen of the semester where further averages of the semester and cumulated averages can be viewed

Registry record: data and results of the semester, further data of the studies

Curricula: Grid (cards) or semester view of the model curricula, giving comprehensive information on the completion of curriculum (subjects, subject groups, units of curriculum and model curricula)

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