The Subject registration screen by default displays a list filtered for the subjects announced for the curriculum of the actual semester. Depending on institutional settings, it is possible to save a different default filtering option in the user profile.
What are the types of subjects?
Curriculum subject: The subjects of the curricula related to the student’s studies, including the compulsory, compulsory optional and optional subjects.
Other optional subjects: The range of other optional subjects that can be registered, but not connected directly to the curricula, though related to the student’s studies. Their availability depends on institutional settings.
All further subjects of the institute: All further subject of the institute that are not connected to the student’s studies, but can be registered as optional subjects. The availability of these and the set of subjects that can be thus registered depend on institutional settings.
The Subject registration screen lists the subjects announced for the semester, and only the ones that the institutional settings allow the student to register. The Information/List of subjects and courses screen reveals information about the subjects that are not announced or not connected to the student’s studies.
Subject code/Name: You may search for the code or name of the subject, even for word fragment
Further filters:
Curriculum: The list can be narrowed down to the subjects of a curriculum connected to the studies.
Subject group: The list can be narrowed down to the subjects of a subject group of a curriculum connected to the studies.
Language: Filters for subjects the course of which is held in the selected language.
Recommended semester: Subjects can be searched for in accordance with the semester they are recommended to take based on the curriculum .
Course tutor: Searches for a subject by searching for the course tutor’s name.
Course code: Searches for subjects that have a course with the provided code.
Interval: Searches for subjects that have a course with a class on the specified day in the specified interval. You may search for more than one intervals at a time.
All subjects are listed if the checkboxes are selected for Completed subjects, Registered subjects and Added to Planner. If these checkboxes are not selected, the subject list does not display the subjects completed, registered and/or added to Planner.
Tip – Filtering for an interval
If there is a longer break between the compulsory and the compulsory optional classes in the established class schedule, it is worth using the interval filter when searching for optional subjects to fill in the gaps in the class schedule.