A recategorization request can be launched from the Menu/Administration/Recategorization request screen.

Besides the running semester, the list includes the preceding and upcoming semesters too. The recategorization request is submitted for the running semester.

The following messages related to the semesters may appear under the Recategorization request:


There is no registration period!

There is a registration period. The student can submit a request. Only students of reimbursement, self-funded or part state scholarship schemes can request a recategorization.

The application is successful, the student submitted the recategorization request.

It appears if state-funded or full state scholarship scheme is selected. Only students of reimbursement, self-funded or part state scholarship schemes can request a recategorization.

The Submit a request button appears only if the student is entitled to submit the recategorization request.

The Recategorization request has been successfully sent feedback appears by clicking the button.

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