The planned class schedule can be overviewed by opening the Schedule planner on the Subject registration screen.
The Schedule planner displays the courses that are registered, added to the Planner, and the courses that are registered but on the waiting list. These are distinguished with the following colours in the Calendar: Yellow: Course added tot he Planner, but not registered Green: Registered course Blue: Registered course with a waiting list |
By clicking the icon of further options (…) in the Schedule planner there is a choice if weekends (Saturday and Sunday) should also be displayed or not. The Empty planner function deletes all the courses added to the Planner. The Empty planner function does not delete the registered courses! Weekly view: By choosing the weekly view the planned schedule can be viewed week by week from Monday to Sunday or from Monday to Friday. The detailed information of the course can be viewed by clicking the displayed items. Monthly view: By choosing the monthly view the planned schedule of one month can be viewed. The details of the course can be viewed by clicking the displayed items. List view: In the list view all subject are shown that are added to the Planner, registered and on waiting list, including the courses with no scheduled classes. |
In the list view of the Schedule planner all the courses added to the Planner and registered can be seen, the subjects with a waiting list are displayed in a separate section. In this view the subject data identical with the Subject registration screen are displayed, as well as the course data, and the actions of registration and drop of subjects can be completed here. |