The E-learning materials dashboard comprises the Nexius, Scorm and Panopto e-learning materials published by the institute.

The general learning materials are the ones that the institute published. These were published for dedicated groups of students, so the learning materials relevant for all students can be found here. The learning materials related to community spaces can be found on the Subject e-materials, the E-learning course list and the Other virtual space type e-materials screens depending on the type of the space. These learning materials can be accessed from the community spaces too.

The Results link displays the results achieved in the learning materials and the progress expressed in percentage.

The user must have an e-mail address recorded in Neptun in order to be able to open the learning materials, which can be launched only before the deadline set for result earning.

The type of the learning material, the extent of the progress and the deadline set for the learning material can be viewed by clicking the learning material details. Learning can be launched with the Start button, which opens a new browser window.

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