On the Terms data screen, the basic data of the semester, the calculated averages, the subjects taken and completion (if any) can be viewed.


•    Taken credits: The sum of the credit points of the subjects taken during the subject registration in the given semester.
•    Cumulated credit: The sum of the credit points of the subjects taken during the previous and the actual semester(s) during subject registration.
•    Earned credits: The sum of the credit points of the subjects successfully completed in the given semester.
•    Total earned credits: the sum of credit points for subjects successfully completed in previous and actual semesters.
•    Average: the average of the results achieved in the given semester. The rules of average calculation (which subjects are included, their weights etc.) is defined by the institutes at their own discretion, so the Study and Examination Regulations or the Faculty Registrar's Office can provide further information on it.
•   Cumulative average: Cumulated average calculated from the results achieved in the previous and given semesters. The rules for average calculation belongs to the competence of the higher education institute.

The above data are for information purpose only, the exact name and method of calculation of the averages may vary among institutes to a certain degree.

With the Download performance sheet button a document about the completed items and achieved results in the given semester can be downloaded.

The block of Registered subjects comprises the registered subjects of the semester. The column also displays the last valid result too (grade, signature, other result). The Details link navigates to the details of the subject.

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