The Neptun Educational Administration System allows you to monitor your studies and complete all related tasks. This covers the complete administrative tasks related to the studies, including but not limited to enrolment, subject registration, exam registration, monitoring advancement in the model curriculum, thesis management and final exam. It also offers students a solution to tackle financial and other administrative tasks related to their studies, such as submitting requests, applying for a student card or for dormitory.

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Log in to Neptun Student Web Interface

In this section, you can read about how to log in to Neptun, including the information that appears on the login page and what you need to do after logging in.

>Continue to Login to the Neptun student web

Neptun Student Home Page

After logging in, the student will land on a home page that summarizes the most important actual information on the training, the studies and the various administrative tasks. The home page displays, among others, upcoming events, the latest grades entered, or the financial items to be paid. 

> Continue to Neptun Student Home Page

Profile menu
The menu is available on the top right part of the screen after logging in. The menu provides access to, among others, change of training, messages, the document library as well as personal data and profile settings.



In Neptun the Subjects are the pillars of the studies. Model curricula are built of subjects and groups of subjects, and the institutes assess the advancement of the students on the basis of completed subjects. The subjects and their related courses must be registered at the beginning of each semester. The courses incorporate the information of the subjects in the given semester, such as course tutor, place, form and time of classes. Neptun Student Interface presents all important information about the subjects and courses that can be taken in the institute - the registered subjects and courses are shown on a dedicated screen. The detailed syllabus, the interrelation of subjects (how they are built on each other), the e-learning materials, the registered grades and other results, the class schedule and attendance at classes are all available infomation. 

> Continue to the Subjects


The Finances menu is a one-window place for the students to manage their financial tasks related to their studies in a transparent and traceable way. In terms of functions, the students can, among others, pay their debts to the institution, apply for Student Loan, manage bills (e.g. invoice issued for a company), monitor the scholarship matters and perform a number of further financial settings. 

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Neptun system offers numerous options for administration related closely or partially to the studies. Registration (enrolment/registration) for the semester can be performed on the Administration screen. The student will find and submit the various requests, applications, questionnaires to fill in, e.g. OMHV. Via Neptun, administration related to the student card, application for Student Loan and Erasmus, or dormitory can be all performed. The institute may allow the students to book rooms too. The students can make appointments for personal or online administration related to their studies, for example with the Registrar's Office with the Appointment booking module of Neptun.

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General Functions

The Neptun Student Web Interface contains certain general features that can be found on most of the screens and operate in the same manner. For example, you can set up the columns on listing screens and manage their order, then save these settings in your profile. The displayed data can be filtered with complex filtering conditions, import into Excel file option is also available on most of the screens, and in certain cases upload of files might be necessary too. This section reveals further details of the general functions.

> Continue to General functions


In the Calendar the students can view the dates and details of events related to their studies, such as scheduled classes, exams, appointments for consultation, tasks and training periods. The students can record their own events and appointments too in the Calendar.

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The advancement in the studies can be checked on the Studies screen: the students can see the conditions required to complete the training, and what conditions have been met already. Duties related to the selection of module (study line, specialisation, minor, band), field practices, consultations, online events, e-learning materials, thesis and specialisation can be performed here. Dropout information can be viewed here too.

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Exams, exam registration

Assessment of the knowledge acquired from a subject is normally performed with an exam that can be verbal, oral, practice or even electronic in Neptun. Exams must be registered via Neptun during the period specified by the institute. The results earned at the exams can also be viewed here.

> Continue to Exams

Community spaces

The Community space module is a screen where the students can communicate with each other in community spaces created for, or in individual spaces created with the required authorisation, for a subject, course, or thesis, and where the tutors can share information easily and quickly, whether it is a piece of news, a document or a link. Community spaces offer functions like voting, viewing the e-learning materials of the space, use of forums, which all considerably facilitate exchange of information and communication between the students and the tutors. Importantly, most of the operations in the community spaces require authorisation, for example administrator, member or guest. This gives permission to the user for certain actions within a space. A nickname must be provided to be able to use the community spaces. If no nickname of a user is recorded in the system, it is mandatory to provide it when logging in for the first time.

> Continue to Community Spaces


Generally the information not closely related to the studies, and published by the institute can be viewed on the Information menu item. The results of the queries offered to the students by the institute, the information on training periods, complete subject and course lists, publications, textbooks, class schedules of rooms, FIR data and recommended thesis topics can be viewed here.

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