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The student interface of the Neptun Study System allows you to keep track of your studies and complete the related tasks. From enrolment, course registration, exam registration, monitoring the completion of the curriculum, thesis management to the final exam, it offers a complete study administration. It also offers students a solution for financial and other administrative tasks related to their studies, such as submitting requests, applying for a student card, applying for dormitory, etc. 

Keresés a tartalomban

Login to the Neptun student web

In this section, you can read about what you need to know to log in to Neptun, including the information that appears on the login page and what you need to do after logging in. 

>Continue to Login to the Neptun student web

Student home page

Upon entering the Neptun , the student is greeted by a home page, which contains the most important current information on training, studies and various administrative tasks. The home page shows, among other things, upcoming events, the latest grades registered, or the financial items to be paid. 

> Continue to Neptun Student Home Page

Profile menu

The profile menu can be accessed from the top right of the screen after logging in. The profile menu provides access to, among other things, training switch, messages, document management, personal data and profile settings.

> Continue to Profile menü



In the Neptun, the subjects are the basis of the studies, the sample curriculum are made up of subjects and their groups, the institutions examine the students' progress based on the completion of the subjects. At the beginning of each semester, the subjects and the courses must be taken. The courses carry the semester information of the subjects, such as course instructor, location, form and timetable information. All important information about the subjects and courses that can be taken at the institution - by highlighting the taken subjects and courses in a separate menu - is available on Neptun's student interface, such as the detailed syllabusof the subjects, electronic study materials, entered marks and other results, timetable information, presence information.

> Continue to the Subjects


The Finance menu offers students a single place to manage their financial tasks related to their studies in a transparent and traceable way. In terms of functions, you can, among other things, pay your debts to the institution, apply for student loans, manage your bills (e.g. company invoices), monitor your scholarships and perform a number of other financial settings. 

>Continue to Finances


The Neptun offers a wide range of administrative possibilities closely or partially related to studies. The registration for the semester (enrolment/registration) is done under the Administration menu, and you can find the various applications and requests that can be submitted, as well as the questionnaires that can be filled in.. It is also possible to apply for a student ID card and a student loan via Neptun, as well as to apply for Erasmus, to apply for dormitory room. The institution can also offer students the possibility to book a room. The date reservation module allows students to book an appointment for their studies in person or online, for example for a study class.

> Continue to Administration

General options, features

Neptun's student web has some common options that are common to most screensand work consistently. For example, it is possible to set and order the columns displayed in the list interfaces and save these settings in a user profile. The data displayed can be reduce using complex filtering options, and Excel export functionality is available in most screens and in some cases it is possible uploading files. Detailed information on these general functions can be found in this section.

> Continue to General functions


In the Calendar, students can view the date and time and details of events related to their course, such as timetables, exams, consultation dates, assignments and study periods. The Calendar also allows you to post your own events and appointments.

> Continue to Calendar



In the Studies menu, it is possible, among other things, to check advancement, which gives the student an accurate picture of the conditions of completing the training. 

In addition, it offers the possibility to choose modules (specialisation, minor, band), field practice, consultations, online meetings, electronic learning materials, thesis and specialisation. You can also view drop-out data here.

> Continue to Studies

Exams, exam registration

In most cases, the subjects are assessed by exams, which can be written, oral, practical or electronic exams. The exams must be registered via Neptun during the period set by the institution and the results of the exams can also be viewed here. 

> Continue to Exams

Közösségi terek

Közösségi tér modul egy olyan felület, ami lehetőséget ad arra, hogy a tárgyhoz, kurzushoz, szakdolgozathoz kapcsolódóan létrejött közösségi terekben, vagy megfelelő jogosultság esetén egyedi tér létrehozásával kommunikáljanak egymással a hallgatók, illetve az oktatók könnyen és gyorsan osszanak meg információkat, legyen az hír, dokumentum, vagy éppen egy link. Ezeken kívül egy közösségi térhez olyan funkciók tartoznak, mint szavazások, térhez tartozó elektronikus tananyagok megtekintési lehetősége, vagy éppen a fórumok használata, ami jelentősen megkönnyíti az információcserét és a kommunikációt a hallgatók és az oktatók között. Fontos, hogy a közösségi terekhez kapcsolódó műveletek nagy része jogosultsághoz kötött, ami lehet adminisztrátor, tag, vagy vendég, ettől függ, hogy felhasználónak milyen lehetőségei vannak egyes tereken belül. A közösség tér használatához becenév megadása szükséges, amennyiben nincs, első belépéskor kötelező megadni.

>Tovább a Közösségi terek szócikkre


Az Információk menüpont alatt jellemzően a tanulmányokhoz kevésbé szorosan kapcsolódó, az intézmény által közzétett információkat lehet megtalálni. Itt érhetők el az intézmények által a hallgatók számára kiajánlott különböző adatlekérdezések eredményei, információk, tanulmányi időszakokról, teljes tárgy és kurzus lista, , publikációk, jegyzetek, termek órarendje, FIR adatok és kiajánlott szakdolgozatok.

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