The students can log in to the Neptun Student Web Interface on the login screen of the higher education institutes with the login name and password received from the institute. The name of the institute is on the left side, above the fields used for logging in. The language can be changed with the language selector situated under the name of the institute.
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The login name and password must be entered on the login screen, then the Login button must be pressed. If institutional settings enable it, a new password can be generated with the Forgotten password link next to the Login button. |
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title | Two-factor authentication |
If two-factor authentication is set, the code generated by the application must be provided after the login credentials are entered. It may happen that the institute stipulates the two-factor authentication. But even it is not required by the institute, the two-factor authentication is recommended in order to prevent misuse of the sensitive data stored in Neptun. Two-factor authentication can be set up by selecting Profile settings option in the Profile menu. |
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Intézményi beállítás függvényeként a bejelentkezés megerősítéséhez meg kell adni a feljövő ablakban generált captchat. Amennyiben a captcha nem vagy nehezen olvasható, a mellette található gombok segítségével újra lehet tölteni, vagy meg lehet hallgatniDepending on institutional settings, the login must be confirmed by entering the captcha generated in the popup window. The captcha can be reloaded or listened to with the buttons next to it, if it is illegible or difficult to read. |