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If there is a registration for a field practice subject for a given external field practice location, for a given block (week), no registration is possible for another location of the given subject for the same interval, either from another subject! The status of the block (week) changes after saving the registration (in the planning phase), the student cannot register for the same or other field practice subject for a period in the same interval. This is displayed for the given blocks: You have a registration already for other subject!

Féléves tárgyként már teljesített gyakorlati tárgyat nem lehet felvenni külső gyakorlati időszakban.

Miután a jelentkezés megtörtént a kívánt gyakorlati helyekre, utána külön szükséges a Finalize applications is.

An already completed field practice subject cannot be registered in external field practice period as a subject in the semester.

After the registration has taken place for the desired field practice location, Finalize applications is required.

TIn the planning phase deregistration is possible from the field practice location with the Deregister buttonTervezési fázisban lehetőség van a gyakorlati helyről való jelentkezés a Lejelentkezés gombbal.