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titleOptions in the semester view of advancement

Switch to grid view: It switches to model curriculum grid view where the subject groups/model curriculum units are displayed as well as their completions

Listing according to another sample curriculum: Lists the subjects of another model curriculum belonging to the studies

Go to the subject of the given semester: Narrows down the displayed subject cards for the subjects of the selected semester

Details: The detailed data of the selected subject can be viewed with an option to be directed to subject registration.


Előfordulhat, hogy a mintatantervben nincs, vagy nem minden tárgyhoz van kitöltve az ajánlott félév, Ez esetben az adott tárgyak nem tudnak megjelenni a féléves nézetben, erről figyelmeztetés jelenik meg a felületen. It may happen that the recommended semester is not provided in the model curriculum or not for each subject. In this case such subjects cannot be displayed in the semester view and a notification informs the user of that.